“Don’t complain to me about the leg room on your transcontinental flight,” says Mr. Meckels.

Mr. Meckels says he’s leaving the United States, seeking asylum in the Republic of California.

Mr. Meckels had a rough election night.

Mr. Meckels about playing bocce: “I got this.”

Mr. Meckels’ recent reading may be cause for some alarm.

It turns out, lifting 100x your body weight is a stretch for a non-vertebrate.

Mr. Meckels likes traveling first class, but doesn’t understand why it always involves a cardboard box and packing tape.

Mr. Meckels says he’s had enough of Mykl’s endless repair projects at Hearth Hill

Mr. Meckels was updating his Facebook page when an email alert popped up for today’s departing flight. He has now declared all electronic communications taboo, and insists this is the wailing wall.

“Which pose makes me look the sexiest?”

At last, Mr. Meckels reveals “what I’ve been searching for in the islands, archaeological evidence of my ancestors!”

Mr. Meckels has yet to explain The Dartboard Incident, this afternoon at Skinny Legs Bar & Grill.

Mr. Meckels says, “A cloudy morning is just fine for working on your blanch”.

“Oh, I am here!”